Ein Allround-Überschuh für nasse Bedingungen. Die Stretch-Passform und das Fleece-Futter machen ihn zu einem warmen, komfortablen Begleiter bei trockenen Bedingungen – und bei Nässe garantiert er maximalen Schutz.
69,95 € 41,97 €
40% OFF
Farbe: BLACK
- Gewicht:154 g
- Temperatur:6°C - 14°C / 43°F - 57°F
Wasserdichter Überschuh mit Fleecefutter für kalte und feuchte Verhältnisse
Wasserdichtes PU-beschichtetes Stretchmaterial mit Fleecefutter
Manschette mit Silikonabschluss an der Innenseite um Wasser fern zu halten
Spezielle Bündchenkonstruktion für optimierte Passform
Wasserdichter Reißverschluss
Äußerst strapazierfähiges Material an der Sohle

Hier ist, was unsere Kunden darüber denken
3 Bewertungen
Great product
Easy to put on and pull off, sleek look and do what they are supposed to do.
A great product
I just bought these shoe covers and participated in a cycling event where it rained a lot. The road was covered with water and it rained quite hard for 30 minutes but my feet were dry.
Size XL fits very well over S-Works Recon size 46.
Great cool weather bootie
These are my go to shoecover for most winter rides above 45 degrees and paired with a wool sock. They great at keeping off the road spray, will protect you if you get caught in a little rain and keeps the wind out. They are very stretchy and easy to get on. Very easy to clean and they look sleek. Perfect for road riding.
Great product
Easy to put on and pull off, sleek look and do what they are supposed to do.
A great product
I just bought these shoe covers and participated in a cycling event where it rained a lot. The road was covered with water and it rained quite hard for 30 minutes but my feet were dry.
Size XL fits very well over S-Works Recon size 46.
Great cool weather bootie
These are my go to shoecover for most winter rides above 45 degrees and paired with a wool sock. They great at keeping off the road spray, will protect you if you get caught in a little rain and keeps the wind out. They are very stretchy and easy to get on. Very easy to clean and they look sleek. Perfect for road riding.