At the heart of gravel racing is a desire for adventure. For me the perfect ride is one where you spend moments pushing yourself and your bike to their respective limits, get lost, find new places, discover something new about yourself, get covered in mud and eventually—a couple hours later and perhaps a couple hours late—find your way back home.

The bicycle, I would wager, is the perfect instrument to see the world. It takes you through space and time at the perfect pace. A pace that gives you time and appreciation for the moment you are in, but moves you on to the next moment before you can dwell too long.


As parents, my wife and I have tried to say yes to adventure as much as possible. There are of course limits to what little kids can do, but when you have the chance to slow down and let them participate, the result is so much more rewarding. Five years ago we decided to build our own home. We spent three years living in a trailer with our oldest child and we “finished” the house just before our younger daughter was born. Watching the satisfaction my oldest daughter gleaned from helping build her own room is something I hope to carry with me for the rest of parenthood. She takes pride in the place she calls home in a way I think would be very hard to otherwise teach. Our house and property are still very much a work in progress so there will be many more chances for my younger daughter to have those same experiences.
In cycling and in life, we strive for the adventures to always continue.

Follow Kiel on Instagram @kielreijnen