La Gabba de manga larga es una de nuestras prendas más versátiles. Garantiza protección cortaviento al 100 % con el tejido GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ WINDSTOPPER®, protección contra el agua y elevada transpirabilidad. Con una prenda interior ligera, es perfecta para las salidas con temperaturas templadas y con una prenda interior térmica, puedes pedalear con temperaturas rigurosas. Si solamente tienes una chaqueta, tiene que ser esta.
229,95 € 172,47 €
25% OFF
- Peso:325 g
- Temperatura:4°C - 14°C / 39°F - 57°F
Tejido peinado impermeable GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ WINDSTOPPER® 205 Warm, exclusivo de Castelli, en la parte delantera
Tejido GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ WINDSTOPPER® 203 Stretch en la parte trasera para mayor elasticidad y transpirabilidad
Costuras selladas en los hombros para evitar la entrada de agua
Cremallera YKK® Vislon® de doble cursor y con solapa para mayor protección contra el viento y la lluvia
Cremalleras de ventilación en el torso
3 bolsillos en la parte trasera
Ribete reflectante en la parte inferior trasera

Esto es lo que opinan nuestros clientes
7 Opiniones
le meilleur de castelli
le top du top en veste, isolation parfaite au vent, déperlant, respirante avec ses ouvertures, avec un vêtement thermique en dessous, vous pouvez avoisiner facilement les 0 degré, très esthétique
un prix cher mais qui vaut vraiment le coup dans sa garde robe vélo
Perfetta di nome e di fatto
Posseggo altre giacche castelli ma questa è la migliore in assoluto , assolutamente consigliata
Excellent Jacket - very light but provides superb protection .
I love the jacket. While it is light and thin provides excellent protection from wind and cold. It helps to ride faster no matter the weather.
I strongly recommend to follow size estimated through the Castelli web page tool. It truly helps to get correct size!
The Best!
I have this jacket for 3y ,more or less ,and I believe it is the "gold standard"of the jackets. Using with a light underlayer is perfect for mid -season and with a merino layer for the winter. Living in the Netherlands, but with a tropical origin, this was simple the best solution to no stay inside. The owner of the shop close by became a friend because I help him to sell more than 5 for friends of mine that ,at moment of buying wasn't so sure to spend the money for that ,but afterwords sent me messages of thanks and comments like"what is this"? "i cannot believe on this jacket"etc.
If you have any doubts about the jacket, forget it!
Quality coat
Great coat. Windproof and breathable.
The best jacket ever
Great fit, great look.
Usable in multiple weatherconditions
the best jacket I own
The Perfetto Ros (convertible) is the best piece of clothing I own. It can be used from 15°C (max sleeves off like a Gabba) to -1°C depending on what layer you have under it (summer, light, medium or warm) and what gilet you wear over it in extreme cold <0°C. It is wind proof, relatively waterproof (ROS) and very easy to adapt. A absolute necessity for a cyclists wardrobe.
le meilleur de castelli
le top du top en veste, isolation parfaite au vent, déperlant, respirante avec ses ouvertures, avec un vêtement thermique en dessous, vous pouvez avoisiner facilement les 0 degré, très esthétique
un prix cher mais qui vaut vraiment le coup dans sa garde robe vélo
Perfetta di nome e di fatto
Posseggo altre giacche castelli ma questa è la migliore in assoluto , assolutamente consigliata
Excellent Jacket - very light but provides superb protection .
I love the jacket. While it is light and thin provides excellent protection from wind and cold. It helps to ride faster no matter the weather.
I strongly recommend to follow size estimated through the Castelli web page tool. It truly helps to get correct size!
The Best!
I have this jacket for 3y ,more or less ,and I believe it is the "gold standard"of the jackets. Using with a light underlayer is perfect for mid -season and with a merino layer for the winter. Living in the Netherlands, but with a tropical origin, this was simple the best solution to no stay inside. The owner of the shop close by became a friend because I help him to sell more than 5 for friends of mine that ,at moment of buying wasn't so sure to spend the money for that ,but afterwords sent me messages of thanks and comments like"what is this"? "i cannot believe on this jacket"etc.
If you have any doubts about the jacket, forget it!
Quality coat
Great coat. Windproof and breathable.
The best jacket ever
Great fit, great look.
Usable in multiple weatherconditions
the best jacket I own
The Perfetto Ros (convertible) is the best piece of clothing I own. It can be used from 15°C (max sleeves off like a Gabba) to -1°C depending on what layer you have under it (summer, light, medium or warm) and what gilet you wear over it in extreme cold <0°C. It is wind proof, relatively waterproof (ROS) and very easy to adapt. A absolute necessity for a cyclists wardrobe.