Die Technologie von Neoprenanzügen sorgt hier dafür, dass Ihre Hände auf nassen Ausfahrten gut geschützt unterwegs sind. Aus hochwertigem Neopren mit Silikon-Besätzen an der Innenhand sowie wasserdicht verklebten Nähte für noch mehr Tragekomfort.
Farbe: BLACK
- Gewicht:130 g
- Temperatur:5°C - 16°C / 41°F - 61°F
3mm dickes Neopren hält die Hände bei Regen angenehm warm
Extra griffige Innenhand
Langes Neoprenbündchen schützt vor Wind und Regen

Hier ist, was unsere Kunden darüber denken
1 Bewertungen
A great product for heavy rain
I just bought these goals and participated in a cycling event and it rained a lot for 30 minutes. As expected the rain slowly penetrated the gloves (as in a wet suit) but my fingers were never cold and the grip on the handlebar was always great. The gloves also fit tightly over the wrist keeping me dry up to my rain jacket. This is a great product for heavy rain
A great product for heavy rain
I just bought these goals and participated in a cycling event and it rained a lot for 30 minutes. As expected the rain slowly penetrated the gloves (as in a wet suit) but my fingers were never cold and the grip on the handlebar was always great. The gloves also fit tightly over the wrist keeping me dry up to my rain jacket. This is a great product for heavy rain