カラー: BLACK
- 重さ:266 g
- 温度:-10°C - 5°C / 8°F - 41°F
防風・耐水に優れた性能を持つGORE-TEX INFINIUM™ WINDSTOPPER® 素材を使用。
シューズカバー内部は軽量でストレッチ性も高いPolartec® Power Stretch® Pro™ の起毛フリースでさらに暖かさがアップ。
開け閉めも簡単で着脱も容易なYKK® AquaGuard® ジッパー。

3 レビュー
Works very well
Works very well into the 20s and below (⁰F)
Does the job well
I am starting my third winter with the Estremo covers and they are one of my favorite bits of Castelli kit. I use them from around 20F to 45F (-7 to 7C) in both dry and wet conditions on long and short rides. Below freezing they can be cold on longer rides, but with some heavy socks my toes will avoid going completely numb. I am mainly using them above freezing and they are perfect in that range, my toes are not cold at all. They are also much more waterproof than I was expecting, after an hour in continual strong rain my socks will still be mostly dry in my shoes. They will take a long time to dry out after such a rain however.
The upper part still looks as new after several years of use. The bottoms are starting to get shredded a bit from being stepped on, but not enough to interfere with operation. They must be put on carefully as they can snag on to the boa dials.
Acquistati nel 2020 perchè ero in cerca di un prodotto che mi tenesse i piedi caldi (soffro molto i piedi freddi durante le pedalate invernali) e devo dire che fanno il loro lavoro perché i piedi è come se fossero dentro la stufa. Costano un botto di soldi, ma pedalando anche d'inverno sono praticamente un must have.
Works very well
Works very well into the 20s and below (⁰F)
Does the job well
I am starting my third winter with the Estremo covers and they are one of my favorite bits of Castelli kit. I use them from around 20F to 45F (-7 to 7C) in both dry and wet conditions on long and short rides. Below freezing they can be cold on longer rides, but with some heavy socks my toes will avoid going completely numb. I am mainly using them above freezing and they are perfect in that range, my toes are not cold at all. They are also much more waterproof than I was expecting, after an hour in continual strong rain my socks will still be mostly dry in my shoes. They will take a long time to dry out after such a rain however.
The upper part still looks as new after several years of use. The bottoms are starting to get shredded a bit from being stepped on, but not enough to interfere with operation. They must be put on carefully as they can snag on to the boa dials.
Acquistati nel 2020 perchè ero in cerca di un prodotto che mi tenesse i piedi caldi (soffro molto i piedi freddi durante le pedalate invernali) e devo dire che fanno il loro lavoro perché i piedi è come se fossero dentro la stufa. Costano un botto di soldi, ma pedalando anche d'inverno sono praticamente un must have.