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¥36,850 ¥22,110
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- 重さ:341 g
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3 レビュー
Eine tolle Jacke, die gut aussieht , den Wind abhält und wärmt
Wenn ein normales Langarm Trikot zu wenig, eine dicke Jacke zuviel ist, dann ist diese Jacke im wahrsten Sinn wirklich "perfekt" ! Da macht Rennradfahren auch bei kühleren Temperaturen Spaß .
Tolle Jacke
Die Jacke hält was sie verspricht. Bin sehr zufrieden. Allerdings könnte sie für mich im Rücken etwas länger sein. Daher nicht volle Sterne.
Versatile Jacket
This is a lovely jacket for many reasons. First, it's multifunctional. Wear it as a layering piece over or under other pieces based on temperature...over a wool tank or long sleeve, or under a more insulative layer for colder rides. My only disappointment and why I couldn't give it five stars is that it does not have softer interior material for greater comfort against the skin. Not that it is uncomfortable, it's just that it is not as soft as I'd prefer. A piece like this could be worn alone, but I'm not sure that I would as I'm not certain I'd like how it feels against my torso, especially when perspiring. Jury is still out as to whether I'll wear it on its own. I'm very happy I ordered it and will likely get years of use out of it, thanks to Castelli quality. Second, it's a great fit and flattering. While it appears snug in the shoulders when you first put it on, it's clearly designed for comfort when you are on your bars. Very comfortable while riding and not at all uncomfortable when off the bike. As for specific fit, the small fit me perfectly. I'm 5' 4", 117# with a short torso, 32D bust, and muscular build. I'm not sure how it would fit on a slender longer torso, but I'm super happy it isn't long on me for a change. Lastly, the pattern is very attractive and interesting.
Eine tolle Jacke, die gut aussieht , den Wind abhält und wärmt
Wenn ein normales Langarm Trikot zu wenig, eine dicke Jacke zuviel ist, dann ist diese Jacke im wahrsten Sinn wirklich "perfekt" ! Da macht Rennradfahren auch bei kühleren Temperaturen Spaß .
Tolle Jacke
Die Jacke hält was sie verspricht. Bin sehr zufrieden. Allerdings könnte sie für mich im Rücken etwas länger sein. Daher nicht volle Sterne.
Versatile Jacket
This is a lovely jacket for many reasons. First, it's multifunctional. Wear it as a layering piece over or under other pieces based on temperature...over a wool tank or long sleeve, or under a more insulative layer for colder rides. My only disappointment and why I couldn't give it five stars is that it does not have softer interior material for greater comfort against the skin. Not that it is uncomfortable, it's just that it is not as soft as I'd prefer. A piece like this could be worn alone, but I'm not sure that I would as I'm not certain I'd like how it feels against my torso, especially when perspiring. Jury is still out as to whether I'll wear it on its own. I'm very happy I ordered it and will likely get years of use out of it, thanks to Castelli quality. Second, it's a great fit and flattering. While it appears snug in the shoulders when you first put it on, it's clearly designed for comfort when you are on your bars. Very comfortable while riding and not at all uncomfortable when off the bike. As for specific fit, the small fit me perfectly. I'm 5' 4", 117# with a short torso, 32D bust, and muscular build. I'm not sure how it would fit on a slender longer torso, but I'm super happy it isn't long on me for a change. Lastly, the pattern is very attractive and interesting.