今年のツールの歴史的な要素は、マチュー・ファン・デル・プール、ワウト・ファン・アールト、ヨナス・ヴィンゲゴー、タデイ・ポガチャル、レムコ・エヴェネプール、プリモシュ・ログリッチという "ビッグ6 "の初共演だ。ツアー・オブ・ザ・バスクやドワルス・ドール・フラーンデレンで恐ろしいクラッシュが相次ぎ、何人ものトップライダーが負傷したため、このスーパーチャンピオンの集結はありえないように思われた。しかし、全員が目覚ましい回復を遂げ、壮絶な対決の舞台が整った。

Celebrating the Legacy of Le Grand Boucle
The Tour de France was conceived in 1902 by the French sports newspaper L’Auto to boost its declining sales. The inaugural race the following year, organized by editor Henri Desgrange and his assistant Géo Lefèvre, was an immediate success, drawing tens of thousands of spectators to Paris for the final stage.
Back then, six-day velodrome racing was popular, and road races were incredibly long. The first Tour de France featured six grueling stages over 15 days, with the longest stage stretching 471km from Nantes to Paris. Maurice Garin, the pre-race favorite, won the overall title, finishing in 94 hours, 33 minutes, and 14 seconds, with a record-winning margin of nearly three hours. Today, the winners margin when finishing on the Champs’Elysee will likely be just a handful of minutes at the most.
But many other things have changed dramatically since the first Tour in 1903. The race started and ended in Paris, and the overall title prize money was 3,000 francs. Today, the overall winner of the race will receive 500,000 euros, which are usually shared with the other riders on the winning team.
The 1903 Tour de France's six monstrous stages covered 2,428 kilometers, meaning some racing took place at night across rough, unpaved roads. The 2024 Tour will cover 3,492 kilometers in 21 stages, starting for the first time in Italy and finishing for the first time outside the French capital due to the Olympic Games in Paris.
In 1903, the riders competed as individuals without team support, and any assistance between them was strictly forbidden. Today, 22 teams, each with eight riders, will take the start line on Saturday in Florence.
Initially, top riders were sponsored by bicycle manufacturers until the late 1920s, when national and regional teams were introduced. After World War II, trade sponsors made a comeback, and by the early 1960s, the cycling world permanently shifted to the trade-team format we recognize today.
Money began flowing into the sport from various sponsors beyond bike manufacturers. Top riders now raced for teams backed by companies producing coffee machines, automobiles, hair oil, alcoholic drinks, hand cream, insurance, and banks. Large commercial sponsors provided both funding and identity to the teams in this format.

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