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A journey to the places we love most


Unlimited Stories is a journey to the places we love most, to the places that have made the history of cycling but seen from another perspective.An adventure to discover the new and the beauty that is just around the corner. Because beauty is everywhere you just need to know how to grasp it and many times it lies more in the way we look at places than at the places themselves. Unlimited Stories is a call to go out, leave the phone at home, and pedal to discover everything that surrounds us, to be fascinated, to leave the beaten path.


Castelli’s approach to all-surface riding is called Unlimited. Our riding now is a mixture of paved and unpaved surfaces, but we’re riding just as hard and demanding just as much from our clothing.
We’ve been riding on gravel before it became a thing, and well before it earned its first hashtag. We’ve never viewed gravel as a separate sport and believe in a few years it’ll again just be referred to as cycling. Gravel simply provides us with additional opportunities to challenge ourselves and our friends, to ride far, to ride hard, to explore new terrain, and to continue pedaling well beyond the “pavement ends” sign, a terminus which no longer applies. The biggest difference is we now have better equipment, which is exactly our approach with the new Unlimited group of products. We give you the comfort, convenience and breathability you expect from Castelli, but we’ve built in extra durability against things like branches that pull yarns in your jersey, and we’ve used stronger fabrics in the shorts in case you slide out in loose gravel. We’ve added a few extra pockets and selected muted colors that’ll keep you looking and feeling good, both on and off road. So go on – the choice of route is yours, and your options are unlimited.
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